I've been a forum member for years, and I'm still not convinced that these new electric drum sets are the miracle they're made out to be. Now I see the Donner DED 200 being touted all over social media and on various review sites. Before I consider any upgrade, though, I'm really skeptical of the hype around its sound quality, trigger response, and overall durability.
What I'm not buying is the whole narrative that these so-called "innovative" digital drum sets can replace the feel and reliability of more established brands in live performance or studio sessions. Has anyone actually used the Donner DED 200 in a real gig or recording setting? What about the latency issues, dynamics, and connectivity compatibility with various external devices? I'm particularly interested in hearing if the pricing is justified or if it’s simply another case of flashy marketing with a lot of hot air.
Anyone with long-term, practical experience? Let's discuss—are we really in the age where these modern, ultra-slick products can challenge the established norms, or are they all just smoke and mirrors?